Wednesday, November 23, 2011

I am Thankful.

I am Thankful:

Of course, I cannot even begin to list everything I am thankful for.
No one would have time to read it, and I would NEVER finish.
I do, however, want to list some things (in no particular order) that I am thankful for in 2011.

30 days of praise for November:
I am Thankful
  1. .a loving, Godly family.
  2. .Jamie- I cannot imagine life without him.
  3. .Jayden- he makes me smile everyday- and I love his sweet laugh.
  4. .Salem Baptist Church- I really do believe it is the best church ever.
  5. .being able to be a work at home mom.
  6. .finding toys in the bathtub when I take a shower.
  7. .those sweet little handprints on our sliding door.
  8. .the way our house seems to never stay clean.
  9. .when Jayden goes through the house saying "MaMaMa" until he finds me.
  10. .that I have babysitters almost anytime I need them.
  11. .for great in-laws.
  12. .for my mom, dad, Kim, and Bethany.
  13. .our house- I love it.
  14. .the way God always provides.
  15. .for clothes, food, and shelter- we don't know how blessed we are.
  16. .transportation.
  17. .the Bible.
  18. .Heaven.
  19. .friends.
  20. .phones.
  21. .the smell of clean laundry.
  22. .the way Jamie, Jayden, and I smoosh in the bed (even though we have a king size bed).
  23. .the sunshine and warm weather.
  24. .hand written letters.
  25. .Premier jewelry.
  26. .hot showers.
  27. .Jamie's job- and all the ones he does on the side.
  28. .a cozy fire in the winter.
  29. .the smells of Thanksgiving and Christmas.
  30. .anxiety- I actually really hate it-- but I realize more and more how it keeps my life into perspective. this world is not my home. and God is always good.
Again, there are SO many other things that I really want to list. God has been so good.
I am abundantly blessed.

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